
The Learning Curve

Using 10+ years of content experience in diverse industries to find and deliver curated insights for curious and growth-minded professionals.

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The Learning Curve | Network Effects

Understanding network effects and its use in today's interconnected world. Read on Read time: 4 mins Hi Reader, Today, we're diving into network effects. I've seen it applied in various professional formats: from franchised language schools and industrial machine distributors to employee wellness programs in large organisations. It's around us more than we know, yet often underestimated. This strategic concept is used extensively in today's highly connected world, whether...

Millors decisions, simplificades

Prendre decisions és difícil, però amb l’enfocament adequat no té per què ser-ho. Així és com les estic afrontant jo. Llegeix-ho en anglès a Temps de lectura: 3 mins A finals d'any sovint anem a dues velocitats: una de frenètica fins a Nadal i una de més pausada després. Durant aquest temps més tranquil, molts de nosaltres reflexionem i fem balanç de l'any i establim objectius per al següent. Aquest any, Reader, he hagut de prendre més decisions (grans i petites) que mai. Va...

Better choices, simplified

Decisions are tough, but with the right approach, they don’t have to be. Here’s how I’m tackling mine. Read on Read time: 3 mins The end of the year often has two speeds: a rush until Christmas and a slow-down after. During that slower time, many of us reflect on the past year and set goals for the next. This year, Reader, I’ve faced more decisions (big and small) than ever before. It was during a busy summer that I found The Decision Book – 50 Models for Strategic Thinking...

Mantenir-se al joc

Mica en mica. Construir impuls. Obrir portes. Llegeix-ho en anglès a Temps de lectura: 5 mins Nota: Aquesta edició em presenta breument, especialment als nous subscriptors que us heu unit recentment. Benvinguts! Els experiments que fem, la xarxa que construïm i les llavors que plantem contribueixen al nostre camí. El com no sempre és evident. El correu d’avui, Reader, tracta de com els petits passos intencionats poden generar un impuls, fins i tot en moments d’incertesa. El...

Staying in the game

Start small. Build momentum. Open doors. Read on Read time: 5 mins Note: This issue briefly introduces me, especially to the many new subscribers who’ve recently joined. Welcome. The experiments we try, network we build, and seeds we plant all contribute to our path. It's not always obvious how. Today's email, Reader, is about how small, intentional steps create momentum, even in uncertain times. Progress rarely comes in a straight line. Things we start often lead to...
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Més enllà del soroll

Les connexions neixen del contingut amb propòsit, no del soroll. Llegeix-ho a Temps de lectura: 4 mins Hola Reader, El correu d'avui explora dues estratègies potents que potser han passat desapercebudes enmig de la cobertura de les eleccions dels EUA. T'explico: Com l'anunci silenciós de 30 segons de Calm va generar impacte enmig del soroll Com els pòdcasts de llarga durada han influït a les eleccions dels EUA de 2024 d'una manera mai vista abans. Ambdues estratègies aborden...
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Beyond the noise

Connections come from content with purpose, not noise. Read on Read time: 4 mins Hi Reader, Today’s email dives into two powerful strategies that might have flown under the radar amid election coverage. How Calm's 30-second silent ad made waves amid the noise How long-form podcasts influenced the 2024 USA elections in never before seen ways. Both tackle audience engagement and trust in an era where people crave authenticity. Whether you're running for president or just a...
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Les amistats no prosperen per si soles. Temps de lectura: 7 mins Hola Reader, En les nostres agendes tan frenètiques, sovint es passa per alt com cuidem les amistats. Recentment, vaig trobar unes xerrades que tractaven d'aquest aspecte tant poc explorat: la importància de l’amistat. Inspirat per aquestes converses, vaig enviar una enquesta als subscriptors d’aquest butlletí per explorar com ens impacten les amistats avui en dia—i les vostres respostes van ser igual de reveladores. Una cita de...
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Friendships don’t thrive by chance Read time: 7 mins Hi Reader, One area often overlooked in our hectic schedules is the cultivation of friendships. Recently, I came across talks touching on an essential yet underexplored aspect of life: the importance of friendship. Inspired by these talks, I sent a survey to the subscribers of this newsletter to explore how friendships impact us today—and your responses were just as insightful. One quote from Simon Sinek said it best: There's an entire...