The Learning Curve | Network Effects
8 months ago • 3 min readUnderstanding network effects and its use in today's interconnected world. Read on Read time: 4 mins Hi Reader, Today, we're diving into network effects. I've seen it applied in various professional formats: from franchised language schools and industrial machine distributors to employee wellness programs in large organisations. It's around us more than we know, yet often underestimated. This strategic concept is used extensively in today's highly connected world, whether...
READ POSTL'amistat
about 1 month ago • 7 min readLes amistats no prosperen per si soles. Temps de lectura: 7 mins Hola Reader, En les nostres agendes tan frenètiques, sovint es passa per alt com cuidem les amistats. Recentment, vaig trobar unes xerrades que tractaven d'aquest aspecte tant poc explorat: la importància de l’amistat. Inspirat per aquestes converses, vaig enviar una enquesta als subscriptors d’aquest butlletí per explorar com ens impacten les amistats avui en dia—i les vostres respostes van ser igual de reveladores. Una cita de...
READ POSTFriendship
about 1 month ago • 6 min readFriendships don’t thrive by chance Read time: 7 mins Hi Reader, One area often overlooked in our hectic schedules is the cultivation of friendships. Recently, I came across talks touching on an essential yet underexplored aspect of life: the importance of friendship. Inspired by these talks, I sent a survey to the subscribers of this newsletter to explore how friendships impact us today—and your responses were just as insightful. One quote from Simon Sinek said it best: There's an entire...
READ POSTEl feed "Per a tu" - no és per a tu
2 months ago • 2 min readDeixa de lluitar contra els algoritmes: centra't a crear valor per a les persones que importen. Temps de lectura: 3 mins Hola Reader, Avui vull abordar una pregunta que he sentit constantment durant els darrers sis mesos: "Per què he perdut tant abast a les xarxes socials?" i tot seguit: "Per què abans tenien molt més èxit les meves publicacions i ara, res de res?" La resposta és senzilla: el joc ha canviat. L'ascens del "feed per a tu" a plataformes socials com TikTok, Instagram i YouTube ha...
READ POSTThe "For You" feed - It's not for you
2 months ago • 2 min readStop battling algorithms - focus on creating lasting value for the people who matter. Read time: 3 mins Hi Reader, Today’s email addresses a question I’ve heard repeatedly over the past six months: "Why have I lost so much reach on social media?" It’s followed closely by, "Why did my posts used to perform so much better?" Here’s the simple truth: The game has changed. The rise of the "For You" feed across social platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube has changed how we consume content....
READ POSTPoc a poc i bona lletra.
3 months ago • 4 min readSimplificar, anar més a poc a poc, aconseguir més. Llegeix-ho en anglès a Temps de lectura: 5 mins Hola Reader, Anar més a poc a poc i fer menys fa que puguis aconsegeuir més. Malgrat la pressió constant per anar més ràpid i fer més coses alhora, aquest enfocament aporta claredat, t'ajuda a centrar-te en el que importa i evita el desgast. Després de les vacances de l'estiu, és fàcil sentir-se aclaparat per les demandes interminables, anar a correcuita per acabar tasques o...
READ POSTSlow down. Move forward.
3 months ago • 3 min readSimplify, slow down, progress. Read on Read time: 5 mins Hi Reader, Slowing down and doing less leads to achieving more. While there’s constant pressure to move faster and juggle more, this approach brings clarity, helps you focus on what matters, and prevents burnout. After the summer holidays, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by endless demands, rushing through tasks or adding more to your to-do list in hopes of making progress. But this often leaves you feeling scattered and...